Die Gespräche, 1994

Three audio-guides are made available to the visitors at the Hamburg Museum of Ethnology, in relation to the Oceanian,
West-African, and Chinese segments of the collections on display, partly in the languages corresponding with the collections: Indonesian, Ewe and Chinese. These audio tours contain first person narratives and lively conversations between non-european guests and the artist. Questions were posed in German, answers were given in the respective languages.
However, integral translations were purposefully omitted in the editing, enabling the listener to sense a lack in the representation of cultures – by means of oral or written word of these very cultures – in many ethnographic museums in the Western world. A related publication (see Muttersprache. Ein Projekt…) with commissioned essays broadened the discoursive and museological perspectives.
Die Gespräche [The Conversations] has been produced by, and is part of the public art program of the City of Hamburg.
Views at the Hamburg Museum of Ethnology, 2004
In 2018 it has been renamed Museum am Rothenbaum – Kulturen und Künste der Welt [Museum at the Rothenbaum – Cultures and Arts of the World].