Ear, Mind, Eye, Pad, 2019

Softcover note pad, 100 pages, multilingual, introductory note
by Fredrik Ehlin; offset print with day-glo spot colors, co-published by Rollo Press, Zurich, and Humboldt Books, Milan
Ear, Mind, Eye, Pad is dedicated to experimental writing and linguistics. It compiles selected txt messages mixing letters, or characters, and emojis, composed by young adult contributors speaking Basque, Chinese, German, Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss-German, or Japanese, respectively. From the simple to the enigmatic, these informal texts revolve around a kind of second orality, as triggered by digital communication.
The pad is equally part of the larger Fog Friend Font framework.
In a further step, the experiment was continued with the publication of a second edition in a digital online format, employing an English/Spanish synthetic voice-over. This was specifically developed for the online exhibition Una prediccion cercana |
El antedespués de la duda / A Close Prediction | Prelude and Aftermath of the Doubt, by Proyecto AMIL, Lima, Peru (2021)
Ear, Mind, Eye, Pad has been included in the overview exhibition Piktogramme, Lebenszeichen, Emojis: Die Gesellschaft der Zeichen [Society of Signs] at the Leopold-Hoesch-Museum Düren (2020), and Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg i.Br. (2021)