Sujets d’echange, 1995

The project developed for the Musée des Arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie (MAAO), one of the major ethnographic museums in Paris at the time, was based on the proposal to build a functional copy of the exhibition gallery West Africa/Ivory Coast, originally designed in the 1970s, from chipboard, paint, glas, woodfloor, lighting, 2480 x 605 x 280 cm, and to place it in a central area of the museum, on ground floor level. The historical, permanent collection on the first floor was to remain on view, in parallel.
The temporary exhibition architecture and space was to be
offered to a number of contemporary visual artists, designers,
and filmmakers from Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to be invited for a comprehensive presentation of their works and practices.
A publication in magazine format would document processes, from the initial phase of approaching the practitioners to the realized display of the works, completing and representing the project Sujets d’echange [Topics of Exchange] in its discoursive and multilayered museological engagement.
Due to change of directorship at MAAO, however, the project was not developed further.
Rendering showing the West Africa gallery and its copy in the MAAO building, 1995.