Who Invented One and Zero? A Communal History of Mathematics, 2018

Hardcover, 40 pages, English
Humboldt Books, Milan
In this graphic-novel-like book for young readers, written by
Hinrich Sachs, and illustrated by Katrine Clante, every day activities become lively and the cultural function of maths transparent. People have been counting, measuring, calculating for about 5000 years, which has lead to elaborate forms of thinking with numbers, known as mathematics. Maths is used in many different ways:
in astronomy, building construction, time management, and cost calculation. Unfolding from the perspective of twelve-year-old Kíya, as she travels through time and space via precisely posed questions, the book tells that history of thinking with numbers,
its functions and effects, as a series of moments in the sweep of human experience, emerging in different locations and times.
A glossary of related knowledge completes the volume.
Views of the cover, at Bhillamala, Northwest India, and at Curahuasi, Incan empire, as well as of the glossary.
Available via Bider&Tanner, Basel, as well as
Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne