Another Publication, 2007

Softcover, 152 pages
Edited by Renée Ridgway and Katarina Zdjelar
Rotterdam/Frankfurt a.M.
This cover by Hinrich Sachs: EvilShow
Another Publication is a book project around the manifold perspectives of otherness, initiated by artists Renée Ridgway and Katarina Zdjelar. It compiles 12 times the preface for a possible book around the „other“. Together, these prefaces trace different identifications and applications of the term, such as collaboration, love, aesthetics, institutional critique, and globalisation.
With texts by Mieke Bal, Rosi Braidotti, Steven Rushton, Hito Steyerl, Jan Verwoert, and others. 164 different covers, each printed seven times, to constitute the complete edition. Covers
by Mieke Bal, Manon de Boer, Peggy Buth, Guerilla Girls, IRWIN, Peter Piller, Renzo Martens, Melvin Moti, Hinrich Sachs, Raqs Media Collective, Carey Young, and many others.